SimplyData EsiWin for Esi32, Esi2000 and Esi4000
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.1 beta (works on Windows 9x and XP)
:download Simply Data Esi-Win v.0.1 beta:
SimplyData EsiWin is a Windows-Tool which helps to manages Samples and Soundbanks.
Also it's easy to create real Emu CD-Rom and Backups from any Esi/Eos File from SCSI Drives.
The Manual is as simply txt-File inside this Download. Here follow the Example with Pix:

Use EsiWin - Example with my Esi2000
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
After start EsiWin you will see the list with all your SCSI Drives.
If you connected an Esi you also will see all Samples in loaded Soundbank.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
If you choose a Disk with Esi-Soundbanks, then you will see the List of all Banks.
With Rightclick you can see some Functions ... later we will use.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
If you right-click on a Sample, then you simply can with "recive" save it on your
Computer on any Place you like. Saved as "wav".
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Now it load the selected Sample directly from the Memory in your Esi to your Computer.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
With right-click you also can see some properties ...
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
... of any Sample.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Now we start to create a CD-Rom. EsiWin build a iso-File which we
later will burn on a CD - or simply save as Backup on Comp.
You must click at "CD Image Files" the Entry "Add".
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Now in first step we must create. In follow Window you will write the Place
where you want save the iso-File. Maybe as Example save on Desktop.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Now we must have Esi-Soundbanks for incloud in the iso-File.
For this step choose a Soundbank you like on a SCSI-Drive.
With Right-Click you can export, as example "soundbank.e3x".
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
It takes time for load the big Soundbank from your SCSI-Drive.
You can export all Soundbanks simply as e3x in your Comp - Backup ready.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Now Rightclick on "CD Image Files" for import the File "soundbank.e3x".
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
Go an drink a Coffee ;-) In this created iso-File you can incloud
any Soundbanks you like, but not more Data than a CD-Rom.
SimplyData EsiWin v.0.10 beta by deep!sonic 12.2006
If you have all Soundbanks in this iso-File, then you are ready
to burn your own CD-Rom for your Esi.
Just close EsiWin. On your Desktop you will finde the iso-File.
This iso you can burn as example in NeroBurningRom

Congratulation for your first own Backup and real Esi-CD-Rom!

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